Transcendeer je verleden en Transformeer je toekomst

Negen lessen om u te helpen de uitdagingen van uw karma te overwinnen en het grote geheim van transmutatie te leren kennen

Introducing the Karma Lessons...

Karma and reincarnation tell us that our soul, following the patterns of nature, journeys along a path of birth, maturation, death and then the renewed opportunity of rebirth. They tell us that we are a part of a moving stream of consciousness and that through many life experiences our soul is evolving.

Karma and reincarnation explain that our soul, like the legendary phoenix, does indeed rise from the ashes of our former selves to be reborn and that our former lives contain the seeds of our new life. They can help us understand why we were born with a particular set of aptitudes and talents, crises and challenges, assignments and aspirations.
Start met de Karma Lessen...

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